vrijdag 1 april 2011

April Fools Day!

Today was again that day that joke are fully approved as stupid as they can be they are still valid to be done. for those who want to find the full explanation of this day visit this link. all tho I have to admit that some company have done great stories to entertain us.

I will be pointing out a few of those joke that really made me even cry of laughing

Winner of entertaining strictly funny is #linkedin
they had the idea in joking with everybody's list of people you might now.
just check out the screen I mad of mine and everybody had these people in their list on the first of april.

A nice idea of google of april fools joke was the movie about the autocompletion job openings @google

But google had a more significant Idea of april fools jokes. and the one that made me and most of my colleagues even cry from laughing. The next movie is about the new product from google called #gmail #motion

the last joke in #my-list and in a way I was at the end sad that it was a joke and not real.
Its all about European Union post on #Facebook about #Belgium
you can read their post in my next screen

My april fools day is almost over but I wanted to share my nice (memorable) moments of today with the magical world called #internet.

Partnership with Sony, Movie streaming Add-on unveiled | XBMC

Happy April fools day!! who thinks this is real?

zaterdag 2 oktober 2010